Customer success story

Chinsali Institute of Applied Sciences Arts and Technology

Education, Gov
Chinsali, Zambia
Digital Transformation Partner

Products used

Aria Studio

Development, Deployment, & Support

Web platform

Full development & deployment

A Beacon of Academic Excellence and Digital Innovation

In 2015, the visionary leaders behind Chinsali Institute of Applied Sciences Arts and Technology embarked on a mission to revolutionize higher education in Zambia. Their dream was to establish the first institution in Muchinga Province offering Nursing programs, supplementing government initiatives in health worker training and contributing to the development of Chinsali.

Understanding the importance of a strong digital infrastructure to support their academic goals, Chinsali Institute partnered with us at Broos Action Innovations Limited, their full-service digital transformation team. Our role? To handle everything digital from responsive support queries to building robust internal and external tools and systems, graphic design, server hosting and management, and cybersecurity, allowing the institute to focus on what they do best: shaping the future of healthcare & technology education in Zambia.

A Journey of Excellence and Innovation

The path to accreditation was meticulous and thorough. In 2020, Chinsali Institute sought guidance from the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Zambia (NMCZ) on the prerequisites for launching Nursing education. Following the council’s recommendations, the institute meticulously prepared its infrastructure and curriculum.

In April 2022, Chinsali Institute invited NMCZ for an inspection to evaluate its readiness to commence the Nursing program. The rigorous inspection took place on 7th May 2022, and just 20 days later, on 27th May, the institute received a commendation from NMCZ, affirming its suitability to offer the nursing program. With this approval, Chinsali Institute proudly enrolled its first cohort of Diploma Nursing Students in July 2022.

Fostering Academic Excellence and Professionalism

Chinsali Institute is committed to being the premier Centre for academic excellence, promoting professionalism, competence, innovativeness, creativity, and quality provision of healthcare services not only in Zambia but also beyond its borders. Led by a dedicated team including Board Chairman Mr. Simbao Kenslick S.C, Managing Director Mukupa Nambao, and Principal Christine Jango who brings a wealth of experience in clinical nursing and academia. The institute offers high-quality academic programs, research, and consultancy services through stakeholder engagement.

Empowering the Vision through Digital Transformation

At Broos Action, we are proud to be part of Chinsali Institute’s transformative journey. By leveraging cutting-edge digital solutions, we have empowered the institute to streamline its web operations, enhance academic delivery, and foster a collaborative learning environment for students. Our partnership with Chinsali Institute is a testament to what can be achieved when innovation meets dedication and vision.

A Future Built on Collaboration and Excellence

Looking ahead, Chinsali Institute of Applied Sciences Arts and Technology continues to set ambitious goals for the future. As their digital transformation partner, we are committed to supporting their mission, driving innovation, and ensuring they remain at the forefront of academic excellence and healthcare innovation.

To institutions considering a similar journey, take inspiration from Chinsali Institute’s story. Embrace digital transformation as a catalyst for growth, excellence, and innovation.

With the right partnership and vision, the possibilities are limitless. Start building your future today with us!

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